Office : Room 1603, Huanghai Plaza, Free Trade Zone, Huangdao District, Qingdao, China 266555
Factory : End of Youyi Avenue, Nancun, Pingdu, Qingdao, China
—Our Australian Sales Team
“自从我加入Landson Glass 以来,公司有了长足的发展。我们澳洲销售团队的经验,给客户提供的服务和我们中国工厂的生产的优质产品让我们的客户满意度很高。我们会继续以“客户至上”的精神带领公司发展。很高兴听到我们青岛公司即将开通微信公众号,相信它会成为一个窗口,为客户带来更多的公司信息,了解公司的变化。我期待看到公司更多的好的变化!”
“Landson Glass has made substantial growth since i joined Landson 7 years ago. Our experienced sales team, professional services, quality products provide high satisfaction to our customers. We will continue to lead the company under the law of "Customer First". I'm glad to hear about the lauch of the Wechat page of Landson Qingdao. I look forward to seeing more positive changes from the page.”
—Our Dear Employees
侯方明(Hou Fangming)
joined Landson since 2010
蒋蓬波(Jiang Pengbo)
包装班副班长 30岁
joined Landson since 2015
孙蓬飞 (Sun Pengfei)
冷加工班分片副班长 28岁
Joined Landson since 2017
—Our Parterners (Suppliers)
Wang Wei (TG Donghai)
Hou Zhiyong (Xinyi Yingkou)
Wang Xiaoyan (AGC Dalian)
—Our General Manager Mr. Hong Zhu
“Just as the sequence on our Wechat page, our principles are: Customer First,Employee First, Product First. Please pay more attention to our growth, support our growth and witness our growth!”
— Our Chairman Ms. FLORA YANHUA
“Our long expected Wechat page is finally been lauched! With abundance of information and novelty format, i'm sure it will attract a lot of attention. Please forward the page to as many friends as possible!”