


At the AGGA Gala Dinner on Aug 31, Landson Glass won the National Safety Award for its work in engineering and producing the industry benchmark of glass packing materials.This was presented to us by a member of the Queensland Government for Workplace Health and Safety.

在8月31日澳大利亚玻璃协会的年会晚宴上,澳兰玻璃  公司非常荣幸的荣获了由昆士兰州政府职业健康与安全部门颁发的—澳大利亚玻璃协会全国安全奖。以表彰公司在玻璃包装材料的设计与制作上率先制定了行业标准。

The Gala dinner was attended by the leaders of all of Australia’s leading glass processors, manufacturers and suppliers, along with industry people from The UAE, Indonesia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and Italy. This award was by far the biggest accolade of the evening and carries the most prestige for its importance to an industry and its members.


Each State of Australia nominated a State Winner of their Safety Award. Landson Glass won the Victorian Award in July which then took into the National Awards. Landson Glass won the National Award on Aug 31, ahead of every State in Australia.Safety is the number one priority in the Australian Glass Industry. For LA to win this National Award ahead of Industry leading companies is a credit to LG. This award is more important than personal or project awards.

澳大利亚的每个州都提名了一个安全奖项得主。澳兰玻璃  公司就是在今年7月份获得了维多利亚州的奖杯,进而进入到全国的评选,此后在8月31日的年会晚宴上从各州众多的安全奖得主中脱颖而出,获得了这个全国唯一的安全奖项。安全是澳洲玻璃行业里的重中之重,因此这个奖项最重要最有分量。领先于行业里所有的企业获得这个全国性的安全奖项,对于澳兰来说是一种莫大的荣耀。

The honor comes from continuous efforts in our focus on quality and packaging. It is the trust and recognition from our customers and the market. We take it as an honor and encouragement as well as the pressure, which reminds us not to forget where we started and what our aims are. We will always be on the journey of striving for excellence and perfection.


+86 150 6629 4188